Meal Plan Friday - Sept 20

This week features breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, and a bedtime drink to support quality sleep. 😴 

The protein-packed breakfast is not only satisfying but also tasty! πŸ‘

The trail mix bites are the perfect meal prep snack for the week for when you need a quick energy boost. ⚑️

Lunch is served with a mix of protein, healthy fat, and vitamins & minerals for a balanced mid-day meal. πŸ₯‘

The pork and polenta recipe was a huge hit in our house last week. The kids gobbled it up and asked for more! πŸ˜‹

Don’t sleep on the bedtime drink. The antioxidants in the tart cherry juice fight off oxidative stress and promote a restful night sleep when paired with the warm almond milk. πŸ’€πŸ˜΄

Get the recipes here - 


Meal Plan Friday - Sept 27


Meal Plan Friday - Sept 13